Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan

·      Unit topic or theme: Mathematics

·      Grade: 1st grade

·      Lesson Objectives: The students will be able to understand the difference between coins (penny, nickel, dime, and quarter) and by the end of the lesson students will understand different ways to make different dollar amounts with change.

·      Instructional Technique: Individual/group work

·      Instructional Materials: Plastic coins, website, worksheet, pencils

·      Theoretical Perspective: This information is important for students to learn because as students grow older they will need to understand the sense of money and how much each coin is worth. Also, counting money will help with their understanding of addition and values.

·      Procedure:

A.   Intro activity: Teacher will explain the importance of learning to count money and how important money is in the real world.

B.    Step-by-step:

First: Students will open the web browser and go on the www.abcya.com, click grade 1, click numbers in blue, scroll down to the learning coins activity, click the learn button in green and go through the steps of the activity, once they are done with the sorting activity, they will be given the option to play again or make a dollar. Click make a dollar. After done making a dollar, stop the game.  

Second: Once the students are done with the website activity, students will raise their hand and the teacher will pair them up with a partner.

Third: Once they are paired up with a partner, the teacher will hand them plastic coins and a worksheet.

Forth: The students will work together on the coin worksheet activity.

Fifth: When finished the teacher will collect and will grade.

C.    Closure: Have additional problems on the board and work together as a class to complete them. If students get the wrong answer, the teacher will go over and explain what went wrong.

Ask students what the importance of this is.

D.   Adaptations for different learners: students that struggle with reading, the teacher could read them each question.

Students that have trouble writing, can use their computer and have the worksheet to type from.

·      Evaluation:

A.   Teacher will determine if they have met their objectives by looking over the worksheet and seeing if the students were able successfully make the correct dollar amounts.

B.    Concerns: students may finish at different times depending on their computer and mathematical ability.

Address this by: teacher may have to sit with the student for a few minutes and explain concepts and directions again to try and help them.
