.:Miss LaVallee:.

Welcome back to school students, parents, and guardians!
My name is Alexis LaVallee, or Miss LaVallee to my students. I have been teaching at Salisbury Elementry for 2 years now. I got my teaching degree from
Westfield State University.. My hope is for all my students to enjoy the year and have fun learning. This will be my 3rd year teaching here and I couldnt be more happy.
I love watching the joy and excitment that students have when learning new tasks and compleating new projects or teamwork activitys. I use technology in my teaching,
the students will have opportunitys to work with ipads, desktop computers and smartboards inside the classroom. I like to integrate the technology into class becasue its expreamly
relivent intodays society. I think that it is important to introdue it early so the students have a chance to learn and grow as the technology grows aswell.
My hope is that this year will bring my students lots of learning experiences and also help them advance in every aspect they can.

A little about myself:
I have been teaching for 2 going on 3 years now. Outside of the classroom I love being outside, hikeing, running, swimming, if its outside I enjoy doing it.
I have many pets at home to include my Ball python, Casper and my two Bearded Dragons, Arlo and Atta, that come to class with me. Other then them I have two Dogs who are names Akeita and Apallo.
Akeita is a Samoyed dog. Shes about 10 months old so shes still very much a puppy. Apallo is a German shepard, he is about 2 years old.

                   Akeita and Apallo                                                         Casper, Arlo and Atta

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