Sample Lesson Plan:

Name: ______________________________                                                              Date: / /

Introduction to Gravity and Inertia

Step #1: Grab a laptop and a set of headphones (you may use your own if you brought them with you today) from the cart in the back of the room.

Step #2: Sign in to the computer using the school login information on the board.

Step #3: Open google chrome and search the words "Study Jam". You may click the first link and give me a thumbs up when you are on the website with the red "Scholastic" logo in the corner.

Step #4: Use the "search" bar in the upper right corner to search the words "gravity and inertia".

Step #5: Click the first link that shows up with a photo of a man playing basketball.

If you are having any trouble getting to the sight please let me know and I will come over to assist you. Give me a thumbs up when you are on the right page and wait until everyone else is ready to go. Feel free to help out a friend if they are struggling and you have figured it out.

Look at the "Key Vocabulary" section towards the bottom of the screen. With the information you may know already, try your best to think of a definition for the keywords given. For this part of the assignment you may turn and talk to a neighbor to figure out what these words may mean. After discussing each word with a neighbor, click on the words and put the sights definition into your own words below. How close were you and your neighbor to the actual definition?



Net force:


Gravitational Force:

Now, click the green button that says "Play Video". Use your headphones and watch the video. Pay attention to the key points. When you are done you may click the small X in the top right corner.

Once you have finished the video, click the blue button that says "Test Yourself". Complete this test on your own.

When you have completed the test click the orange button on the bottom that says "Review your Answers". For questions you got incorrect, I'd like you to click the orange button that says "Feedback". Identify which questions you got incorrect by writing your original answer, the correct answer, and put the feedback into your own words. If you got the answer correct, leave it blank.

#1: Your answer:                                                                                        Correct answer:

Feedback in your own words:

#2: Your answer:                                                                                        Correct answer:

Feedback in your own words:

#3: Your answer:                                                                                        Correct answer:

Feedback in your own words:

#4: Your answer:                                                                                        Correct answer:

Feedback in your own words:

#5: Your answer:                                                                                        Correct answer:

Feedback in your own words:

#6: Your answer:                                                                                        Correct answer:

Feedback in your own words:

#7: Your answer:                                                                                        Correct answer:

Feedback in your own words:

Unit Topic: Physical Science

Grade: 5th grade

Lesson Topic: Introduction to Gravity and Inertia

Lesson Objectives: The students will be able to identify the definition of the key vocabulary given (gravity, force, net force, inertia and gravitational force). They will have an understanding of each separate word and how it affects the planets, themselves, and the objects around them. This activity will act as an introduction to understanding physical science, specifically gravitational forces and inertia.

Instructional Techniques: The instructional techniques used in this lesson plan uses group work and is somewhat of a lecture. It uses a video with graphics and relatable content to help inform the students and keep them interested while they are learning. It then allows them to quiz themselves without any stress of a grade where they can correct their own work and learn from it.

Instructional Materials: The website used is and the exact link to the activity is the students will also be given a two page handout that includes instructions on how to get to the sight and walks them through what is expected of them while they are online. They will be using computers and headphones provided by the school.

Theoretical Perspective: This is information is important for the students to understand as we enter the physical science section of our studies. They will need to understand why things on our planet react and move the way they do due to the forces acting upon our planet. It will help them understand what the basics which will be used to delve deeper into the topic of physical science.

Procedure: With the class, I will use this activity as in introduction process for the topic and a self sufficient learning assignment.

  1. To start out I will have the students find the center of gravity of their pencil with instruction from me. This activity is mentioned in the video they will watch but they will have already completed it. I will open the conversation by discussing the topic of gravity and inertia and how by finding the center of gravity of the pencil they have already completed their first experiment with gravitational force.

  2. Once the students finish the opening activity I will explain how what they have just done is related to the topic we are starting. I will give them their handouts and allow them to have an independent type of class where they follow the instructions on the page. They will get their own computers and get themselves to the page as instructed. I will be available if any situations arise that require help or explanation. They will be able to pick their own neighbor as a discussion buddy for the first half of the assignment and the rest they will be using the computers to independently guide themselves through the handout. Once all students have finished we will go onto the closing activity to wrap up the assignment.

  3. I will close this assignment with going through the pages of the packet that I handed out. I will make sure all of the students understand the definition and function of each keyword. It is essential that they understand the basics of physical science in order to continue with the topic and expand their knowledge. It is very important that I understand their confusion and redirect them in a helpful way so they can feel prepared for the upcoming information that will be provided to them as we continue the topic of physical science.

  4. Since the assignment is more of an independent based activity, this will leave me open to assist other students who are struggling. Students who are unable to do this work independently due to a language barrier, disability, or other issue will be paired up with students who volunteer to help. In an event of no volunteers, I will choose students to pair up. The video is helpful for those who struggle with reading and language and helpful for students who have a hard time focusing.

  5. For homework I ask that students take their packet home with them and review what they have learned. They should study the key words and revisit the sight if they are still unsure about any of the concepts. They also should write an example of each key vocabulary word in action in their everyday lives.


  1. I will make sure the students understand the key vocabulary words through having the children put the definition on the sight in their own words. This will show that they have taken in the information and are able to understand it and say it their own way. By reviewing their quiz and writing the feedback in their own words they will be able to see what they misunderstood and this will allow them to redirect their knowledge on their own. The homework will help me ensure the students know how each word they have learned acts around them and allows them to think of their own examples.

  2. Since this assignment is so independent, I worry that the students won't be doing what is suppose to be done or that they won't be honest when it comes to checking their quiz. I worry about how long this assignment will take and if this is an appropriate topic for children of this age. I also realized that I will have to adapt my lesson plan for my different students and that is something I haven't thought much about before this.

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