SCROLL DOWN to see a Lesson Plan that Miss Wallace created!

Hello, students, families, and teachers! My name is Miss Carolyn Wallace. This is my very FIRST year teaching my own classroom and I could not be more excited!

I graduated from Westfield State University (Go Owls!) in the Spring of 2020 with a Bachelor's degree in Elementary Education and Liberal Studies with a concentration in Psychology. I loved my time in college and I also substitute taught in an elementary school system while I wasn't taking classes to gain more experience in the classroom.

Besides school, I love to play the ukelele and I am a HUGE Boston sports fan, especially the Red Sox! I also love spending time with my family (I have 2 siblings) my friends from college, and my 2 cats named Moe and Larry!

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the upcoming school year, feel free to contact me at cwallace8572@westfield.ma.edu and I should respond promptly!



    Unit Topic or Theme: Science and Technology

    Grade: 5

    Lesson Topic or Theme: Electricity and Wiring Circuits

    Lesson Objectives:

       Students will be able to create circuits with multiple types of wires, in order to light one or more lightbulbs.

       Students will explain two or more reasons why their circuit was effective in lighting up their lightbulb(s).

       Students will understand how electricity affects their everyday life by listing 5 or more examples of electricity in their environment.

    Instructional Technique:


       Group Discussion/ Writing


       Computer Applications (with Demonstration)

    Instructional Materials

      - Computers

      -Circuit Builder Interactive Website https://www.physicsclassroom.com/Physics-Interactives/Electric-Circuits/Circuit-Builder/Circuit-Builder-Interactive

    - Projector

    - Pencils/ Paper

    - Handout (see attached)

    Theoretical Perspective:   

      - This lesson will enlighten (pun intended) students about not only how to create their own electrical circuits, but to understand how electricity affects our daily lives. Through understanding how electrical circuits can be wired and understanding the effects of electricity in the environment, students can take their new knowledge and apply it outside the classroom and in their futures. Furthermore, this lesson in particular works with problem solving. By solving the “puzzles” on their handouts through trial and error or prior knowledge, they are working on problem solving. This lesson, both inside and outside of the grade 5 classroom, is essential for student growth.


A. Introductory Activity

            - To begin this lesson, the teacher will need to play “Introduction to Electricity- video for kids” found on YouTube for their class.

            -Students should pay attention to this video, but no note taking is required (they may take notes if they wish).

            - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Uf76pThNXZc

B. Step-by-step

            - After watching the video, the teacher will instruct students to take out a piece of paper  and write down at least 5 places in their everyday lives that they see or use electricity.

            - From there, students should share what they wrote down with the peers around them.

            - After discussing with peers, the teacher will display various ways to wire a circuit on the projector.

            - The teacher should ask their students if they have any questions about what they have been introduced to so far in the lesson.

C. Closure

            - Circuit Builder Interactive

                        - The teacher will hand out the proper worksheet to all students and instruct them to open up their computers to Circuit Builder Interactive. The link to this site is  listed under “Instructional Materials.”

                        - The teacher will walk them through a demonstration of Problem #1 on their  handout so that the students understand what each problem entails.

                        - Students will them complete the rest of their handout which will contain  questions such as, “Create a circuit in which you can light up two bulbs using 6 or  more wires.”

                        - They must complete this task on Circuit Builder Interactive, then explain, in writing, how they were able to complete it.

D. Adaptations for Different Learners

            - Some students prefer to work individually because they are intrapersonal learners. However, some students learn best when they are working alongside like-minded peers because they are interpersonal learners. For the handout, students should be given an option on whether or not they would like to work individually or in groups.

            - Information is presented in several different ways (using video, audio, writing, etc.). This means that students who may learn in one form- such as a visual, linguistic, or audio learner- may benefit from at least one of these means of representation.

            - This lesson aligns with multiple standards in the Universal Design for Learning, in terms of Multiple Means of Representation, Engagement, and Action.

E. Homework

            - Homework is not applicable for this particular lesson. This lesson requires a computer which some students may not have at home.


      My stated objectives for this lesson are:

       Students will be able to create circuits with multiple types of wires, in order to light one or more lightbulbs.

       Students will explain in three or more sufficient sentences why their circuit was effective in lighting up their lightbulb(s).

       Students will understand how electricity affects their everyday life by listing 5 or more examples of electricity in their environment.

      I will determine if the students have met the first two objectives by assessing their performance on the worksheet that guides them through the Circuit Builder site. If they can figure out, either on their own or with a peer, how to wire each circuit and properly explain how they did so, then they have successfully completed the first two objectives. For the third objective, the middle of the lesson, after watching the video, will allow the teacher to assess them.




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