Hello, Parents! There are several links below to websites and informative articles that I find to be both interesting and informative. I hope you enjoy!

Mystic Aquarium
Our field trip (see Upcoming Reminders for more info) to Mystic Aquarium is coming up soon! Click on the link to the left to view the Mystic Aquarium website. It is informative and easy to navigate!
Parent Tool Kit
This site is for parents of any school grade, so if you have younger or older students, you can use this as well! This is a great resource! Check this out at the link on the left.
Scholastic for Parents
In our Upcoming Reminders section, you can see that there is a Book Fair coming soon! This book fair is a great opportunity for our student Owls. I have linked the Scholastic Home Page to the left, which has more information and some great parent resources as well! It's a great source!
10 Ways to Help your Child Succeed in Elementary School
This source has ten great tips on what you can do to help your Owl succeed in the 5th grade! I highly recommend this source to all parents, no matter what grade in elementary. Check it out at the link on the left!
Abcya Parents and Teachers
A lot of our student Owls have begun to use the site Abcya for educational games. This Parent/Teacher section allows you to guide them and learn more info!
40 Questions to Ask at a Parent Teacher Conference
This is a great guide for Parent Teacher Conferences! I love Parent Teacher conferences because I believe that they can benefit you, your students, and myself. These questions are a great start!
Tutoring is a wonderful online resource for tutoring if your student is struggling with any subject. It is vital that they get the help that they need. Check this out by clicking on the link to the left!

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