Welcome to our Owl-themed class website!
Our classroom website will be very helpful for students, parents, and teachers to have a successful school year. I personally believe that technology is incredibly important to the classroom, in whatever form it may take. Technology is always changing, as our classroom should be. Therefore, we must change and adapt with it. I believe, however, that technology will not "shape" the way I teach and the lessons I plan. Technology will find its way into the classroom when I allow it to, based upon the type of technology and the subject matter. Overall, our students should be very familiar with technology after this year. We are going to have a wonderful year!
- Miss Wallace

This website is easy to navigate and very informative! On this site, you can find 8 different pages when you start on the Home Page. From each page, you can get back to the home page or travel throughout the website (located at the bottom of each page).
These 8 pages are:
        1. Introduction- This Introduction (which you are on right now!) will allow you to understand the website, read Miss Wallace's personal views on technology in the classroom, and inform you on what is to come in our class!
        2. "Hoo" is Miss Wallace?- Meet your teacher, Miss Wallace, and see a Lesson Plan that we have studied in the previous week of class!
        3. Upcoming Reminders- This page is for events/ deadlines that are quickly approaching! It is important to check this page from time to time, because there will be reminders for students, parents, and teachers!
        4. What's for Lunch?- This is a weekly updated School Lunch menu.
        5. The Owl's Nest (Students)- This page contains 7 links that I have found to be helpful for students academically. Plus, they are fun! If you click on the links provided on the Owl's Nest, they will take you directly to that site. Check out the mini reviews on them for more info!
        6. The Parent's Nest- Similar to the Student's Nest, the Parent's Nest is a list of helpful links for Parents!
        7. The Teacher's Nest- Similar to the Student's Nest and the Parent's Nest, the Teacher's Nest is for helpful teacher resources!
        8. Meet our Wise Owls- MEET THE STUDENTS! See their names, birthdays, and who is our Owl of the Week!


Fly to the Home Page

Fly to "Hoo" is Miss Wallace?

Fly to  Upcoming Reminders

Fly to What's for Lunch?

Fly to The Owl's Nest (Students)

Fly to the Parent's Nest

Fly to the Teacher's Nest

Fly to Meet our Wise Owls