Lesson Plan

Unit Topic:
Place Value

Lesson Topic: Base Ten Blocks

Grade: 1st

Lesson Objectives:
  1. Break down numbers into their individual place value
  2. Understand the value of ones, tens, and hundreds
  3. Understand how many ones make up a ten, how many tens make up a hundred, etc.
  4. Be able to comprehend what the place values of a given number represent
  5. Understand how expanded form relates to the formation of a number with base ten blocks

Instructional Technique:

Online work, demonstration, individual work

Instructional Materials:

https://www.education.com/game/place-value-machine-3-digit/ ; a handout

Theoretical Perspective:

Place value builds students' knowledge of numbers and wide range of values

A. In this lesson we will be introducing a concept. This concept is known as place value. We will be teaching this through a technique known as expanded form. Expanded form is taking a number and expanding it into its place values.

B. First, we will introduce a worksheet to the students. This worksheet entails three parts. Part one introduces two types of problems. The first type of problem requires one to convert a standard form number into its expanded form. The second type of problem requires the student to convert a number that is in expanded form back into standard form. In part two of the worksheet, we focus on breaking down large place values into smaller ones. Part three of the worksheet directs the student to an online game called "The Three Digit Place Value Machine". This is a fun visual lesson for the students.

C. The goal of this lesson is for the students to have a clear understanding of the concept material. In this case, the students should have concise knowledge on place values with numbers in expanded form. The students should also have an understanding of how to create smaller values from larger place values.

D. For this lesson we could create a UDL. We can use the base ten blocks for students to have a hands on experience.

E. For a homework assignment, we can assign students practice problems similar to the worksheet we had given to them during class. The problems would be split up into the same two parts as the worksheet showed. This will help give them practice on information that they learned during the lesson.


The first objective for students is to get a background in the lesson and know what the objective or the lesson is. The teacher will walk through the lesson of the worksheet, and make sure that all students understand what and how the topic works. We will know the student understands the concept of the lesson once they have worked through the problems on the worksheet and have majority of them correct. If some are incorrect the teacher will go over the problem with the student to help them figure out the problem.

The students will begin the independent part of the lesson on the computer to work on the skills with the topic. They will work on the problem the gave gives them while writing down the problem and answers as they go to help keep track of their progress. If they get it correct they will keep playing the game, but if incorrect they will call over a teacher and show them the problem they have written down to help they find out what went wrong. Each student will continue to do this activity till they have completed 15 problems in the game correctly.

This being a new lesson and topic for these students i am not sure how difficult this many be for some and some it may be to easy. As we work through the lesson we may need to make adjustments to provide more support and help to some students, along with creating some more challenging for the students that pick up on the topic easily.