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Teacher Resources

GoNoodle is a free website that was founded by Aron Briggs, Scott McQuigg, John Herbold, Abby Pecoriello in 2013 and has interactive activities and games that teachers can use between lessons. The videos are short and last from two to ten minutes depending on the video the teacher chooses to play. GoNoodle is a good resource for teachers because it helps them get their students to start moving their bodies and it keeps students more engaged and motivated in what they are learning throughout the day. This website allows students to take a break from using their brains to think and allows them to shift their focus on something that allows them to stand up, move around, and even get some exercise.

Khan Academy is a non-profit website that provides teachers with important tools that will help them to teach their students about an important topic or concept in a core subject and offers practice exercises, interactive exercises, video tutorials, instructional videos, and personalized learning guide that teachers can use in their classroom to meet the individual needs of a ll students. 

Education.com is a website that provides teachers with practice worksheets, guided lessons, lesson plans, games, and resources for them to use in their instruction for core subjects such as math and science and reading and writing. Teachers can use puzzles, books, drawing projects, sing along songs, and worksheets to improve student's skills and increase their confidence because the students are working independently and learn to do it on their own with little or no help from the teacher.

Scholastic is an website that provides teachers with the opportunity to look at and buy specific books according to the grade they teach, reading level, format, subject, and genre.  

Pinterest is a website and social media app that allows people to share something they found interesting, such as a recipe, book, movie, a funny video, a picture, or home and bedroom decor online for other people to see. This website is useful for teachers because they can find other teacher's lesson plans or post a question asking if anyone has any ideas for new activities that they could use in their classroom.

Teachers Pay Teachers is a website that allows teachers to see other teacher's lesson plans or share their own, which allows teachers from all over the world to work collaboratively and obtain new ideas from one another that they can use to benefit their students and incorporate into their instruction.

ClassDojo is an communication app that allows teachers to effectively communicate with parents about how their child is behaving and performing in school and about important events. The teacher can post progress reports, videos of the children, and messages on the website, which parents will be able to access and see whenever they want to see how their child is doing in school. Teachers can use this website to reinforce positive behavior and establish values for their students inside and outside of the classroom.