Hello, I will be your child's first grade
teacher for this year! This is my third year teaching at
Ravenswood Elementary. My name is Courtney Doyle, but you
can call me Ms. Doyle and I am originally from Leicester,
MA. I have one sibling, an older brother, two parents, and
one dog and two cats. I graduated from Westfield Sate
University with a bachelor degree in Early Childhood
Education and a concentration in reading in 2021. I went
to Worcester State University to receive my Masters
degree, which took me two years. I love reading, going to
Narragansett, spending time with my family, especially my
cats and dogs, and the smell of flowers. I am a firm
believer of using technology in the classroom because it
teaches students life skills such as working with others,
solving challenging problems, helps them develop
communication and leadership skills, and increases
students motivation. Technology allows students to be in
control and make their own decisions which will increase
the student's confidence and it keeps them engaged in what
they are learning. It helps me to keep track of student
achievement and allows me to use different methods and
tailor instruction so I am meeting the needs of all
students. For technology, I will have Ipads for every
student and use the projector for whole class work. I am
looking forward to working with the students and parents!
If you have any questions, please email me at
doyleco789@gmail.com. If you can't reach me by email, my
phone number is 508-667-5710.