Teacher Resources

edHelper Link
This is a great resource for teachers, as it provides them with many worksheets for students regarding all subject areas.

Edutopia Link
Edutopia is a source for new teachers. It provides tips and information on classroom management, lesson plans, working with parents and more.

Kahoot Link
Kahoot is great for testing students knowledge in a fun way. Students love Kahoot because it allows them to compete with their classmates as well as see how well they know the material.

Scholastic Link
Scholastic provides teachers with a variety of educational books and magazines for their classroom and students.

Teachers Corner Link
Teachers corner provides lesson plans and printable worksheets for all subject areas and all grade levels.

Songs for teaching link
Songs for teaching provides teachers with many songs to teach students a specif concept in a subject area. They are helpful with student memory in that specific concept/subject.

Teacher Tube Link
Teacher tube provides teachers with many videos that can help them teach their lessons, as well as provide students with information regarding many areas in many subject areas.
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