Teacher Resources!
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1. https://www.teachervision.com/printable-book/resource/54429.html

This is a great resource for teachers. If you subscribe to their website then you have tons of book at your access for free. These books are free printable books. These books are provided in any subject.

2. http://mass.pbslearningmedia.or/?gclid=CjwKEAjws5zABRDqkoOniLqfywESJACjdoiG9X_wzOnW04gCmdIORXSxecm-7i2CiqJJn1lPW3d2RRoCwYbw_wcB
PBS learning is a website that teachers can go on to easily access standards. You pick the standard you you are teaching, in your state (Massachusetts) and it provides you with activities to helping children learning that standard.

3. http://www6.discountschoolsupply.com/Product/ProductList.aspx?category=6586&es=11067040000G&gclid=CjwKEAjws5zABRDqkoOniLqfywESJACjdoiGGg-zjSnCgY5SwbYnWA1j5ZgcmlnbuQYPWBMiz5eNGxoCoRzw_wcB&v56sidl=32&v56zipl=0&v56keycodel=0
Teachers can really benefit from this website. It provides discounted school supplies that teachers can buy. This is very important because often teachers find themselves using their own money for their room.

4. http://www.scholastic.com/teachers/teaching-resources
Scholastic is a place where teachers can shop books and teacher resources for their classroom. These books are often sold for a much cheaper price.

5. https://www.theteacherscorner.net/teacher-resources/
The teachers corner is all about classroom management. You can find ideas to assigning classroom responsibilities to students or daily chores/jobs.

6. http://lessonplanz.com
This is a lesson plan search engine. You can search the website and find lessons that other  teachers have used before.

7. http://www.teachingheart.net/newteacher.html
This website is specifically designed towards new and first year teachers. It can be scary graduating and being sent into the classroom for the first time. Here you can find helpful tips and even bulletin board ides.