Goals: 5.3 Gas Law Calcuations
- Use the ideal gas law to solve for 1 variable when three others are given
- Use the ideal gas law to solve for final conditions when two conditions are held constant and a two change.
- Use the ideal gas law to determine the molar mass of a volatile sample
- Use the ideal gas law to determine the density of a gas under specific conditions
- Use the ideal gas law to relate the density of a gas to the molar mass of a volatile material
Goals: Chapter 5.4 Stoichiometry of Gaseous Reactions
- Perform stoichiometry calculations using the ideal gas law to find molex of reactants or products
- Use the ideal gas law and stoichiometry to determine volumes, pressures, or temperatures of gases after reactions
- Perform stoichiometry calculations using volumes or pressures of gases
Goals: Chapter 5.5 Gas Mixtures: Partial Pressures and Mole Fractions
- Perform stoichiometry calculations using partial pressures of gases
- Determine pressures and amounts of gases collected over water or other volatile solvents
- Use partial pressures to determine the mole fractions (concentrations) of gases in a mixture
- use mole fractions to determine partial pressures of gases in a mixture