Goals: 5.2 The Ideal Gas Law
- Describe relationship between amount(moles) of gas and volume with all else held constant
- Describe relationship between temperature and volume (Charles' Law) with all else held constant
- Describe how the relationship between temperature and volume leads to the finding of absolute 0
- Describe relationship between pressure and volume (Boyle's Law) with all else held constant
Goals: 5.3 Gas Law Calcuations
- Use the ideal gas law to solve for 1 variable when three others are given
- Use the ideal gas law to solve for final conditions when two conditions are held constant and a two change.
- Use the ideal gas law to determine the molar mass of a volatile sample
- Use the ideal gas law to determine the density of a gas under specific conditions
- Use the ideal gas law to relate the density of a gas to the molar mass of a volatile material